We are a multi-national solutions provider for revenue management, power quality and energy efficiency. We enable users to save money, reduce energy consumption and facilitate comfortable living. We provide products and services that can be used to measure energy, inform of its use, and help control its use.
We offer a sim card-based metering solution for Heat Networks. This is best used for both PAYG (pre-payment) or Credit billing solutions, where we can help recover debt in a fair manner and keep the residents debt free for the future.
Liberty Connect, our heat metering solution is flexible, it works with all major makes of heat meters. It has the added benefit of running on the same platform as our award winning smart metering solution. With more than 6 million metering points in Great Britain using this solution, rest assured, the system is tried and tested. It has proved to be robust, reliable and secure.
The main benefits of this system for our customers are that it is convenient (an install and connection time of less than 45 minutes) and it is flexible (multiple payment options, ability to interface with different makes of meters, etc.)
Contact details:
Secure Meters UK Ltd
Secure House
Lulworth Close, Chandler’s Ford,
Eastleigh SO53 3TL
TEL +44 1962 840048
EMAIL [email protected]
WEB URL : https://www.securemeters.com/uk/