The Association was created with a number of Key Objectives:
Raise Awareness – Establish and enhance national (especially Government and public) recognition and acceptance of the benefits that District Energy Schemes can deliver.
Create a Network – Increase the flow of information between Members to jointly tackle obstacles and develop knowledge, understanding, and good practice concerning District Energy and other related matters.
Foster Information Sharing – Within the boundaries of commercial confidentiality share with local authorities, other public sector bodies and community groups, information on District Energy schemes and their development, operation, and expansion.
Engage with Government – Work with government advisory and regulatory bodies, and other trade associations, to drive the strategy and future direction of District Energy development and related government policy in the UK. For example, by:
- Responding to consultation papers
- Consulting with, and urging the government for appropriate support mechanisms for District Energy
- Consulting with the government to ensure that any regulatory frameworks support and do not hinder the development of District Energy in the UK
- Taking a lead role in the formulation of regulations relating to the development and operation of heat networks in the UK, including representatives of the UKDEA to sitting on any steering committees or similar formed by BEIS in relation to these issues.
Activities of the Association:
We undertake a wide range of activities to promote and advance the use of District Energy schemes and related technology including:
Providing a knowledge base of information and network for Members
Collaborating in the development and promotion of standards and technical advice for schemes across the UK
Promoting and increasing the reputation of all member organisations in the field of District Energy, and furthering the interests of members generally.
Co-operating with other organisations and associations and acting jointly with them to enhance the achievements of the Association’s objectives.
Promoting best practice in the delivery of District Energy across the UK to aid other parties to increase the viability of their local energy networks.

Simon Woodward, Director & Chairman, UKDEA
Take a look at all the upcoming events that both us and our Members are taking part of, and see how your organisation can take advantage of these Member-exclusive networking opportunities.
Request to have a Membership package emailed to you today! We will also answer any inquiries you have regarding UKDEA Membership