The Greater London Authority (GLA) is a top-tier administrative body responsible for the strategic administration of Greater London. It was created in 1999 and consists of a directly elected Mayor to represent London’s interests and 25 members London Assembly with scrutiny powers, both elected on a four-yearly cycle. The GLA represents a strategic regional authority, with powers encompassing a range of policy areas, such as transport, economic development, and fire and emergency planning.
The GLA group consists of the following organisations:
• Transport for London (TfL): responsible for London’s transport;
• Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC): oversees the work of the Metropolitan Police Service;
• Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC): managing the development of a new community in west London, the UK’s largest regeneration project;
• London’s Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA): runs the London Fire Brigade;
• London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC): responsible for managing Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park;
• London & Partners: the official promotional company for London 14