The Collective Network
In the summer of 2020, to coincide with our 10th Anniversary, we decided to relaunch several of our initiatives. This has allowed us to grow the Association substantially since then, welcoming 70 new Members to bolster our total Membership to 160. This makes the UKDEA the largest voice for District Energy in the UK and a network of over 500 individuals working in the sector.
The UKDEA Journal
The UKDEA Journal is our main way of updating Members with the latest news and activity in the world of District Energy. This 40-50 page document is issued to Members every month and contains many interesting and informative sections, including:
- Chairman’s Diary/Foreword
- Member/Product Spotlights
- Member Job Vacancies
- Member News
- DESNZ News and our work with the DESNZ Heat Network Team
- National News
- Features and Articles
- Latest updates on UKDEA events and initiatives
UKDEA Website & Document Library
We consider our website to be the hub of all of our activity with Members and in the UK District Energy sector. Here you can find many resources, including:
- UKDEA Member Directory
- Members’ Job Vacancies
- UKDEA Events Calendar
- Training Register
- Document Library
The UKDEA Document Library is an exclusive area for Members. The Document Library contains hundreds of useful documents covering all sorts of topics, including:
- All Past UKDEA Journals
- UKDEA Event Presentations
- DESNZ Documents (Consultations & UKDEA Responses, GHNF, Useful Regulations, Model Form Contracts, Heat Network Publications, Heat Metering and Billing Regulations)
- GLA Documents
- + Many more to be added in the future
If there are any documents that you would like to see added in the future, please let us know and we will see if your request is possible.
Member Meetings & Contact with DESNZ
As prices in the energy market remain volatile, we want to ensure that supporting UKDEA Members remains our top priority.
Members can organise meetings at any time with the UKDEA to discuss anything they like, whether that be support for the sector, Government funding initiatives, advice on a particular issue, finding out how to get the most out of your Membership, and much more etc.
The UKDEA meets monthly with the Director of Heat Networks at DESNZ, to discuss the most important the issues that our Membership/Sector are facing. If you have a particular question that you would like to be raised at this meeting, please let us know.
In addition, we communicate with representatives from DESNZ almost daily, so if you need support, we will help point you in the right direction.
The Chairman often speaks with Members who are not aware of a particular DESNZ initiative that could benefit them, so it is always worth asking to see if there is something that can help your organisation.
Webinars and Online Events
One of our main commitments to Members since our 2020 relaunch has been to provide a consistent series of Webinars and Online Events that Members can both present at and attend. Some of the events we have held over the last 2 years include:
- Planning to Deliver Heat Networks
- Innovation Showcase Event No.1
- Utilising Waste Heat in Heat Networks
- Contracts and Agreements
- Practical Applications of Heat Pump within District Energy Networks
- Maximising System Efficiency and Optimising Network Performance
- Ambient Loops vs 4th Gen Heat Networks – CPD Certified
All of our online events are available to watch back in full on the UKDEA YouTube Channel.
If you have an idea for a Webinar or would like to take part in the future when you see one that interests you, please get in touch with the Secretary.
In Person Events
Following our successful return to in-person events at Futurebuild, we are pleased to announce that we will once again be in attendance at Futurebuild 2025 from 4-6 March 2025 at London ExCeL.
We have the privilege of hosting the UKDEA District Energy Pavilion once again, and UKDEA Members who book a stand will also have the chance to be part of the speaker program on the dedicated Energy Stage.
We are also currently in talks to hold the first ever Heat Networks Expo in London! We will let all Members know once a date has been set.
Training Register
The UKDEA Training Register is a document that contains all of the Training Courses that are offered by our Members.
With around 25 Members and over 100 Training Courses currently on the Training Register, this is an invaluable resource that showcases the immense value that is offered by our Members.
The Training Register is available publicly on the UKDEA Website and widely circulated to offer maximum exposure to both Members and Non-Members Alike.
We update the Training Register event 6 months (April and October). If you would like to submit a new entry to the Training Register, or update an existing entry, please get in touch with the Secretary or apply to become a UKDEA Member.
UKDEA Members Jobs Board
The Job’s Board allows UKDEA Members to post any vacancies that they currently have.
The Job’s Board is public and is viewed by anyone who visits the UKDEA Website.
A full list of current listings is also published in the Journal every month, to keep Members updated on the current vacancies of fellow Members.
If you would like to post a vacancy to the Job’s Board, please get in touch with the Secretary who will provide a list of details for you to supply.
Alternatively, this list can also found in the Journal each month.
Take a look at all the upcoming events that both us and our Members are taking part of, and see how your organisation can take advantage of these Member-exclusive networking opportunities.
Request to have a Membership package emailed to you today! We will also answer any inquiries you have regarding UKDEA Membership