In early 2013, Armstrong Fluid Technology embarked on a sustainability journey which began with the formulation of a charter titled the ‘Planet Proposition’.
Armstrong’s Leadership Board signed up to the charter and champions have been empowered at each of our global locations (Canada, USA, China, India, UK). The focus has been for the selected champions to communicate the aims and benefits of the ‘Planet Proposition’ program, and seek active involvement and commitment at all levels of the organisation.
Armstrong defines a sustainable business as an enterprise that measures its success based not only on economic gain but also on their achievements in preserving the environment and bettering humanity, particularly among our employees and the communities they call home. This approach integrates the three pillars of sustainability — the economical, environmental and social dimensions — and inspires the three key tenets of our Planet Proposition.
Armstrong’s Leadership Board signed up to the charter and champions have been empowered at each of our global locations (Canada, USA, China, India, UK). The focus has been for the selected champions to communicate the aims and benefits of the ‘Planet Proposition’ program, and seek active involvement and commitment at all levels of the organisation.In early 2013, Armstrong Fluid Technology embarked on a sustainability journey which began with the formulation of a charter titled the ‘Planet Proposition’.
First and foremost, by delivering value to their customers, they create a sustainable business model which produces innovative energy saving solutions for the building services industry. The way they achieve an added value solution is through their Design Envelope Technology. This holistic approach to fluid flow management ensures the harmonization required to create the most energy efficient solution available. In addition to their technology, they work closely with their supply chain to continuously improve and reduce the environmental impact of our production processes and the materials they use.
Armstrong are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our operations. Company wide initiatives include efforts to reduce fuel use, energy consumption, water use and waste to landfill. Of the waste Armstrong do amass, the aim is to increase the proportion of waste that is recycled. They are ISO 14001 certified at all of their locations. They also continue to develop innovative energy solutions, as well as producing case studies and white papers to help their customers reduce their environmental impact.
Wolverton Street
M11 2ET
Tel: +44 (0)8444 145 145
Heywood Wharf
Mucklow Hill
Halesowen West Midlands
B62 8DJ
Tel: +44 (0)8444 145 145